I just realized today, how many days it has been since I last wrote in the blog, my apologies. We have enjoyed several "normal" days, which has truly been heaven. Wednesday and Thursday were spent working for Frank and I. Zack stayed home and rested, tired from the latest chemo treatment. He didn't feel quite as bad this time around , but is more tired than usual. It hasn't really hit us yet that we don't return to the hospital, I'm sure we will realize it when next month comes around.
Friday, we were scheduled for labs to see if Zack needs a transfusion. It is harder than usual for me to wake him up. Knowing this is one of the signs that he may need blood, we make arrangements to take Mom shopping today, no matter what time it is. Zack knows that he will feel more energetic if he does get blood, he can't even tell this time whether he needs anything or not.
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TGI Friday's, one of Zack's fav hangouts |
We arrive fifteen minutes late, not something I'm proud of, but they are understanding and they immediately take him in. His port is not accessed for labs, instead they take the sample from his arm, just in case he doesn't need anything, it is less invasive. Twenty minutes later we are told he needs blood, but his platelets count is very good! Our nurse tells us to go ahead and grab some lunch as it will be at least an hour before the blood arrives, so we head out to one of his favorite places.
As soon as we return, about a little over an hour later, they are ready for us. We go back into Zacks favorite room #8 and get comfortable, well as much as having a needle stuck in your chest is comfortable. Since we are still planning on getting together with Mom, I take a short nap, while Zack texts his friends and looks up funny stuff of youtube. He shows the nurses all these funny stunts guys are doing with their trucks and they are all hysterical. It doesn't take much to entertain him, that's for sure. We were able to talk the Doctor into waiting until the week following the fundraiser to start his next round of chemo, as this is the one that tends to make him pretty sick. He really wants to go to the fundraiser so this way, we will do labs next week and ensure that his counts are high enough to protect him.
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Gorgeous Meme / Mom |
We finish the transfusion by 4pm and are on our way to Mom. I'm so glad we brought the Bumble Bee this time, as Mom has started with her gardening and needed four bags of soil and eight bags of mulch! We were both glad to have some time with her, grocery shopping, eating dinner and going to my favorite hang out , Lowes, though it's too early for me to start planting, so I left pretty much empty handed. Since shopping is not one of Zack's favorite things to do (unless it involves truck parts or hunting and fishing) Zack stayed in the truck. By the time we were wrapping it up, Bob calls and tells us that the vet contacted him and Courage's ashes were ready to bring home. I tell Zack, one more stop and we have accomplished everything on our agenda for the day! The vet presents a hand carved box holding our sweet Courage and a card for Bob.
We bring Mom home and I present Bob with the box, we then all unload the truck. Mom is exhausted, but what a trooper! Zack all of a sudden has a ton of energy, I guess the blood kicked in! Once we arrive at home, around 9pm, he helps me put away our groceries and as Frank and I head to bed, he decides to go outside and chill in the evening air. It turns out that he fell asleep outside on top of his four wheeler and woke up at 2 am, coming into the house and crawling into his bed.
It is now Saturday. Frank has to go out early for work, I slept so well, that I wake with a day full of ideas, none of which panned out. As the day progressed, I got more and more tired. Zack slept in and once awake, he too just wanted to sit and chill. I find out from my sister in law, via text, that we are going to Steve and Karen Ann's for dinner and poker tonight and confirm this with a phone call to Frank, who is now fishing. He had forgotten to tell me, since Zack and I came home so late last night. This is one of the many things I have learned through this journey, something I NEVER was good at prior to the diagnosis, when something comes up, it's okay, just go with it. What a gift this is for me, I'm less uptight about needing to know things in advance and in the long run, have so much more fun with "surprise" get togethers. Zack has no plans and since none of his friends know how to play poker (and he starts to really enjoy the game), he came with us.
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Steve, Tammy and Zack (at the poker table) |
The evening was so much fun. Frank, Zack and I joined Steve his wife Karen Ann and Franks brother Mitch and his wife Tammy. Steve fixed a delicious wild boar sausage and ribs on the grill, with steamed vegetables, potato salad was brought by Mitch and Tammy and pies for dessert. Frank had picked out an h'orderves platter to snack on while we wait for dinner. The whole thing was impromptu even Karen Ann didn't know until last night that we were all coming over. (Steve is a last minute kind of guy, and we love it!) We stayed outside and caught up for several hours. Everyone seemed to enjoy Zack's company as well, he was raised with adults (in our Antique Shop). so he is equally comfortable in their presence not to mention, these friends have been in our lives since High School and he adores his Aunts and Uncles. We move inside the house to play poker for a couple of hours and had a blast! Tammy and Karen Ann decided not to play , so I was included as "one of the guys." Zack is becoming quite the player and at one point had a pretty big pile of change, but in the end, Frank and I took all the money home with us!
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Brothers being brothers, Mitch and Frank |
This week has been filled with so much laughter and fun here and there. I was spoiled by my sister who paid for an early Birthday present (2010 Ipad) one of Zack's friends sold to me at a very good price. In fact, while we were at the party tonight, I managed to sneak in some time to type almost half of the blog. Yes, I can multi task (not at the same time though... smile).
As the fundraiser gets closer, we are all getting more excited! A lot of work has gone into this and the more I talk to people, the more excited everyone is getting. It is going to be a celebration of what Zack has accomplished! His treatments will be done soon, he is cancer free and a High School graduate all in the same year!!! That's a hell of a lot for a kid his age and I for one am one PROUD Mama!!!
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